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Global citizenship law trends

In a recent Delmi-GLOBALCIT Policy Brief entitled How Citizenship Laws Differ: A Global Comparison, the two partners ‘have calculated 12...

Birthright citizenship restored in Ireland?

During a time when birthright citizenship is under attack in the US, the New York Times reports that a proposed law in Ireland would...

Statelessness and the UNHCR’s #IBelong Campaign

We have explored the issue of nationality as a human right before, namely how it used to signify an allegiance to a ruler or territory...

Stateless Rohingya and the role of ASEAN

To end global statelessness within 6 years, an ambitious goal set by UNHCR under its Global Action Plan 2014-2024, the Southeast Asian...

Nationality and surrogacy arrangements

Two Latin terms frequently come up in discussions on nationality and citizenship – ius sanguinis and ius soli. These principles refer to...

Voting rights in the age of globalization

While the Westphalian age of sovereign nations that we previously discussed is characterized by a close intertwinement of democracy,...

Economic benefits of acquiring citizenship

We have previously seen that in the classic analysis of T.H. Marshall citizenship consists of civil, political and social rights. We have...

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